Share the gift of hope
Make a contribution,
make a difference.
Share the gift of hope
Make a contribution,
make a difference.
Donate to Yabonga Children’s Project
Enter the value in ZAR (South African Rand) below and a currency conversion in your local currency will take place on the next page. The current conversion rate will be determined by your bank.
Other Ways to donate

Donate via EFT (RSA)
Bank: Nedbank
Account: 1452012563
Branch Code: 145209

Donate your time
We’re always looking for volunteers to join us. Learn more about our programmes and volunteering at Yabonga Children’s Project here.

Donate From Abroad
Please visit our International Donations page to donate to one of our global branches in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands or the UK.

Donate With snapscan
Open your SnapScan app and scan the barcode. Set the amount you want to donate.
Click to reveal SnapScan barcode

Donate supplies
If you’d like to donate supplies to Yabonga, please contact us by emailing [email protected].

Become a Partner
If you’d like to become a key sponsor or partner for Yabonga, please email us at [email protected].
Frequently asked questions
How do I donate to Yabonga?
You may donate via EFT, PayFast and Snapscan.
Can I donate to Yabonga from outside of South Africa?
Yes, please visit our International Donations page to find our donation information and contact details for our offices in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.
Can I volunteer for Yabonga?
Yes, you certainly can! Please contact [email protected] if you feel you have additional time to assist our programmes.
Can I get a tax certificate for my donation?
Donations to Yabonga South Africa may qualify for a tax certificate as per Section 18A, under the Income Tax Act. If you are a taxpayer in South Africa and require a tax certificate, please email [email protected] together with your proof of donation and postal details. Our country offices in Germany, Austria, UK and The Netherlands are also registered non-profit organisations and issue tax certificates. Please email the country representative for further details.